“Together shaping the future of Palestinian tourism” 


The “Jerusalem Tourism Talks” (JTT) are open forums to address current topics and challenges for the Palestinian tourism sector. The Talks are open to the whole sector and anyone with an interest in Palestinian tourism. Hosted by EJTDP, the Talks provide a space to bring together voices and opinions from across the sector and foster exchange in an open, forward-thinking and cooperative ambience. The selection of topics is done in cooperation with the local sector based on current demands and interests.  

New topics can always be suggested to EJTDP directly. Please send your suggestion, ideally including draft agenda and list of speakers or requested experts, to talks[at]ejtdp.info or use our online form! 

Jerusalem Tourism Talks Calendar

Browse and register to upcoming talks & discussions

Suggest a Tourism Talk Topic

Suggest and possibly moderate a future Jerusalem Tourism Talk


Preview JTT schedule for Q1 – 2022